One of the hottest things going right now is the ability to set oysters on old shell and plant them on your lease. The yield so far has been for every bushel planted 2-3 bushels are harvested, and that is in 12-18 months. Below is a list of some of the things we carry that you might need to do SPAT ON SHELL ...
oyster shells
shell washing machine (QuickTube Sorter)
tanks (fiberglass 4x8x2 or 4.5x10x2)
filter bags
shell bag material 1000' roll
a blower
eyed larvae
Here is the link to the all inclusive spat on shell "HOW TO" guide published by the state
We can take care of all of your needs in this department. Again, we can help you if you want a bushel of spat on shell already set or if you want to do hundreds of bushels on your own.
SHELL BAG MATERIAL (sometimes called OSN1)
Can be used for spat on shell, shoreline stabilization, or natural spat collection.
Below is a bagging operation, all you need is a 6" piece of PVC and a shovel.
Below are some pictures of shell bags in action. PenderWatch & Conservancy (all volunteers) created these shell bag reefs with shoreline stabilization and restoration in mind and we'd say they hit a homerun. When you can create a living shoreline for stabilization with oysters at the base and all things that live on or around oysters... you can't do much better.
Here are a few facts:
The reef is on the western side of the Intracoastal Waterway in Pender County, NC. The reef has two sections, each having about 400 shell bags. The reef was built in August 2008. The objectives were to support oysters and other creatures and to stop marsh erosion from boat wake on the ICW.
The water in these pictures is spat rich. Shells put in the water and kept relatively clean during the spawning season will catch the spat. The oysters in this region grow intertidally. The tidal range is about 3 feet on average.
PenderWatch operates 6 shell drop-off points. They expect to collect something over 1,000 BU between Sept 1, 2009 and May 15, 2010.
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