Wednesday, July 13, 2011


Emptying cages into the hopper

Buckets from the tank upweller, waiting to be sorted

Emptying tanks of seed
Sorting, sorting , and more sorting....keeps the fast growers moving ahead, allows for better water flow through the seed when the are the same size, shapes up them up, and cleans them up
Cages going to water for splitting oysters
New shipment of bags arrived and we are already out of all 13mm and 23mm sizes...we have open 9mm, sealed 9mm and 4mmsealed as well.  The best way to get what you want is to pre-order and if you know you are going to use alot of bags order in volume so we can get you even better pricing than we currently offer.  We won't be seeing any new bags coming in for a few months because the factory goes on vacation for the month of July.
We always have your oyster gardening needs in stock; floats, bags, float bags, taylor floats, flip floats, and ofcourse oyster seed.  What a great way to have a yummy source of food at the end of your dock that also benefits the Bay!
Wire wire everywhere...just let us know what kind you need... we only carry RIVERDALE MILLS wire because it is the best hands down.  Wire should be seen as an investment so it should last longer than 1-2 years...our cages have been in the water for over 10 years and are still producing product.

Managing the tank upwellers
Offloading oysters to be sorted
Seed in the buckets...its still amazing that those little guys will be 3'+ oysters in less than a year
Cleaning the tanks is essential to healthy seed growth